Linux networking commands and their explanation

Linux networking commands and their explanation



2 min read

arp - see your arp table

Address resolution protocol used to translate between Layer 2 MAC addresses and Layer 3 IP addresses

Note:- If you don't have the arp command use this "sudo apt install net-tools"

aria2 – downloading just about everything. Torrents included

The aria2 is a tool that allows downloading files via the command line using various protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent, and Metalink. This tool resumes incomplete download where it stopped.

Note:- If you don't have the aria2 "sudo apt update"

sudo apt install -y aria2

After the installation is completed, aria2 will be available as aria2c command. We can check the version

aria2c --version

Testing aria2


The -o the option allows specifying the filename for the downloaded file.

aria2c -o

Uninstall aria2

If you want to completely remove aria2 and related dependencies, execute the following command:

sudo apt purge --autoremove -y aria2


Ethernet Activity Monitor

  1. /etc/rc.d/init.d/arpwatch : The arpwatch service for start or stop daemon.

  2. /etc/sysconfig/arpwatch : This is main configuration file…

  3. /usr/sbin/arpwatch : Binary command to starting and stopping tool via the terminal.

  4. /var/arpwatch/arp.dat: This is the main database file where IP/MAC addresses are recorded.

  5. /var/log/messages: The log file, where arpwatch writes any changes or unusual activity to IP/MAC.

bmon – bandwidth monitor and rate estimator.

bwn - ng

a live bandwidth monitor for network and disk io


curl - transferring data with URLs.(or try httpie).

HTML contents found on the URL provided after the curl command

darkstat – captures network traffic and usage statistics.


dhclient – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client


dig – query DNS servers for information